Class Color

const color = new THREE.Color( 0xff0000 );


  • Parameters

    Returns Color

  • Parameters

    • r: number
    • g: number
    • b: number

    Returns Color


    aliceblue: 15792383;
    antiquewhite: 16444375;
    aqua: 65535;
    aquamarine: 8388564;
    azure: 15794175;
    beige: 16119260;
    bisque: 16770244;
    black: 0;
    blanchedalmond: 16772045;
    blue: 255;
    blueviolet: 9055202;
    brown: 10824234;
    burlywood: 14596231;
    cadetblue: 6266528;
    chartreuse: 8388352;
    chocolate: 13789470;
    coral: 16744272;
    cornflowerblue: 6591981;
    cornsilk: 16775388;
    crimson: 14423100;
    cyan: 65535;
    darkblue: 139;
    darkcyan: 35723;
    darkgoldenrod: 12092939;
    darkgray: 11119017;
    darkgreen: 25600;
    darkgrey: 11119017;
    darkkhaki: 12433259;
    darkmagenta: 9109643;
    darkolivegreen: 5597999;
    darkorange: 16747520;
    darkorchid: 10040012;
    darkred: 9109504;
    darksalmon: 15308410;
    darkseagreen: 9419919;
    darkslateblue: 4734347;
    darkslategray: 3100495;
    darkslategrey: 3100495;
    darkturquoise: 52945;
    darkviolet: 9699539;
    deeppink: 16716947;
    deepskyblue: 49151;
    dimgray: 6908265;
    dimgrey: 6908265;
    dodgerblue: 2003199;
    firebrick: 11674146;
    floralwhite: 16775920;
    forestgreen: 2263842;
    fuchsia: 16711935;
    gainsboro: 14474460;
    ghostwhite: 16316671;
    gold: 16766720;
    goldenrod: 14329120;
    gray: 8421504;
    green: 32768;
    greenyellow: 11403055;
    grey: 8421504;
    honeydew: 15794160;
    hotpink: 16738740;
    indianred: 13458524;
    indigo: 4915330;
    ivory: 16777200;
    khaki: 15787660;
    lavender: 15132410;
    lavenderblush: 16773365;
    lawngreen: 8190976;
    lemonchiffon: 16775885;
    lightblue: 11393254;
    lightcoral: 15761536;
    lightcyan: 14745599;
    lightgoldenrodyellow: 16448210;
    lightgray: 13882323;
    lightgreen: 9498256;
    lightgrey: 13882323;
    lightpink: 16758465;
    lightsalmon: 16752762;
    lightseagreen: 2142890;
    lightskyblue: 8900346;
    lightslategray: 7833753;
    lightslategrey: 7833753;
    lightsteelblue: 11584734;
    lightyellow: 16777184;
    lime: 65280;
    limegreen: 3329330;
    linen: 16445670;
    magenta: 16711935;
    maroon: 8388608;
    mediumaquamarine: 6737322;
    mediumblue: 205;
    mediumorchid: 12211667;
    mediumpurple: 9662683;
    mediumseagreen: 3978097;
    mediumslateblue: 8087790;
    mediumspringgreen: 64154;
    mediumturquoise: 4772300;
    mediumvioletred: 13047173;
    midnightblue: 1644912;
    mintcream: 16121850;
    mistyrose: 16770273;
    moccasin: 16770229;
    navajowhite: 16768685;
    navy: 128;
    oldlace: 16643558;
    olive: 8421376;
    olivedrab: 7048739;
    orange: 16753920;
    orangered: 16729344;
    orchid: 14315734;
    palegoldenrod: 15657130;
    palegreen: 10025880;
    paleturquoise: 11529966;
    palevioletred: 14381203;
    papayawhip: 16773077;
    peachpuff: 16767673;
    peru: 13468991;
    pink: 16761035;
    plum: 14524637;
    powderblue: 11591910;
    purple: 8388736;
    rebeccapurple: 6697881;
    red: 16711680;
    rosybrown: 12357519;
    royalblue: 4286945;
    saddlebrown: 9127187;
    salmon: 16416882;
    sandybrown: 16032864;
    seagreen: 3050327;
    seashell: 16774638;
    sienna: 10506797;
    silver: 12632256;
    skyblue: 8900331;
    slateblue: 6970061;
    slategray: 7372944;
    slategrey: 7372944;
    snow: 16775930;
    springgreen: 65407;
    steelblue: 4620980;
    tan: 13808780;
    teal: 32896;
    thistle: 14204888;
    tomato: 16737095;
    turquoise: 4251856;
    violet: 15631086;
    wheat: 16113331;
    white: 16777215;
    whitesmoke: 16119285;
    yellow: 16776960;
    yellowgreen: 10145074;

List of X11 color names.

isColor: true
r: number

Red channel value between 0 and 1. Default is 1.

g: number

Green channel value between 0 and 1. Default is 1.

b: number

Blue channel value between 0 and 1. Default is 1.



  • Parameters

    Returns this

  • Sets this color's r, g and b components from the x, y, and z components of the specified


    Returns this

  • Parameters

    • scalar: number

    Returns Color

  • Parameters

    Returns Color

  • Sets this color from RGB values.


    • r: number

      Red channel value between 0 and 1.

    • g: number

      Green channel value between 0 and 1.

    • b: number

      Blue channel value between 0 and 1.

    • OptionalcolorSpace: ColorSpace

    Returns Color

  • Sets this color from HSL values.
    Based on MochiKit implementation by Bob Ippolito.


    • h: number

      Hue channel value between 0 and 1.

    • s: number

      Saturation value channel between 0 and 1.

    • l: number

      Value channel value between 0 and 1.

    • OptionalcolorSpace: ColorSpace

    Returns Color

  • Sets this color from a CSS context style string.


    Returns Color

  • Sets this color from a color name.
    Faster than .setStyle() method if you don't need the other CSS-style formats.


    • style: string

      Color name in X11 format.

    • OptionalcolorSpace: ColorSpace

    Returns Color

  • Clones this color.

    Returns this

  • Copies given color.


    • color: Color

      Color to copy.

    Returns this

  • Copies given color making conversion from sRGB to linear space.


    • color: Color

      Color to copy.

    Returns Color

  • Copies given color making conversion from linear to sRGB space.


    • color: Color

      Color to copy.

    Returns Color

  • Converts this color from sRGB to linear space.

    Returns Color

  • Converts this color from linear to sRGB space.

    Returns Color

  • Returns the hexadecimal value of this color.


    Returns number

  • Returns the string formated hexadecimal value of this color.


    Returns string

  • Parameters

    Returns HSL

  • Parameters

    Returns RGB

  • Returns the value of this color in CSS context style.
    Example: rgb(r, g, b)


    Returns string

  • Parameters

    • h: number
    • s: number
    • l: number

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    • s: number

    Returns this

  • Applies the transform m to this color's RGB components.


    Returns this

  • Parameters

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    • s: number

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    • color: Color
    • alpha: number

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    • color: Color
    • alpha: number

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    Returns boolean

  • Sets this color's red, green and blue value from the provided array or array-like.


    • array: number[] | ArrayLike<number>

      the source array or array-like.

    • Optionaloffset: number

      (optional) offset into the array-like. Default is 0.

    Returns this

  • Returns an array [red, green, blue], or copies red, green and blue into the provided array.


    • Optionalarray: number[]

      (optional) array to store the color to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.

    • Optionaloffset: number

      (optional) optional offset into the array.

    Returns number[]

    The created or provided array.

  • Copies red, green and blue into the provided array-like.


    • xyz: ArrayLike<number>
    • Optionaloffset: number

      (optional) optional offset into the array-like.

    Returns ArrayLike<number>

    The provided array-like.

  • This method defines the serialization result of Color.

    Returns number

    The color as a hexadecimal value.

  • Returns Generator<number, void, unknown>