Type Alias VFXOpts

VFXOpts: { pixelRatio?: number; zIndex?: number }

Options to initialize VFX class.

Type declaration

  • OptionalpixelRatio?: number

    The pixelRatio of the WebGL rendering context.

    VFX-JS renders the output with window.devicePixelRatio by default.
    This means the resolution of the WebGL canvas gets larger in high-DPI display devices (e.g. iPhone).

    However, you might find VFX-JS not being rendered smoothly, especially in low-end devices.
    In such case, you can pass lower values to pixelRatio so VFX-JS can render in lower resolutions.

    For example, if pixelRatio is 0.5, VFX-JS renders in the half resolution of the native resolution.

    ref. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/devicePixelRatio

  • OptionalzIndex?: number

    z-index for the WebGL canvas.
    This is useful if you want to place the canvas behind other DOM element, or vice versa.